What are some things you never worry about anymore? ( fitting in, being in style, fastest car)
Worry is a response to the conditions or issues in our lives. Whether we are young or old, we are prone to worry.
I worry a lot. I worry about the church, family, my future, and the lost loved ones, the list goes on and on. Has anyone let worrying consume them??? Has anyone ever played the what-if game??? What if I make the wrong decision??? What if the desires of my heart never come to pass??? Do you ever wish you could stop worrying and fixating on things you can’t control?? I do!!!
Jesus gave us the key, and it all has to do with our focus. When our focus is on the world, worry is usually the result, but when we focus on Christ well, that changes everything.
Jesus gave this sermon. It’s famous you may have heard of it. It’s been called the sermon on the mount. Jesus called us to seek his kingdom and his righteousness first. After that everything else will fall in to place.
Let’s see what he says precisely???
Please Read: Matthew 6:25-30
In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave us a sobering reminder of where the heart and mind of a believer could end up when our focus is on the physical rather than the spiritual. A wrong focus leads to an unsound state of mind, which leads to anxiety and worry.
What kind of things cause people or us to worry??? Finances, tests, work, school, family
Not only does Jesus tell us not to worry, but in the next verses, we learn that we should trust GOD to do what is best for us.
Please Read: Matthew 6:31-32
When has GOD unexpectedly provided for you???
When we place our faith in Jesus, we are trusting that our greatest needs are met. And since our greatest needs are met don’t you think he can handle all our needs.
What are some ways people deal with worry in their lives??? As humans, I feel we come up with a plan B, and I’m bad about that.
Please Read: Matthew 6:33-34
Jesus said: seek first the kingdom of GOD. What does that mean???
Can someone describe how seeking the kingdom of GOD looks like in some one’s life????
Then he said: all these things will be provided for you. What things do you think Jesus was talking about???? (sports cars, big houses, fancy clothes)
Sometimes in life worries seem to pull at our attention but if we will remember the words written in red Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.